Become a Member
As a member, you'll gain access to exclusive events, industry insights, and a platform to share and grow your expertise in data-driven solutions.
Regular Membership
Every year
Unlock a world of opportunities and resources by becoming a member of the Victoria Data Society. You will be part of a vibrant community of data enthusiasts, professionals, and experts who are passionate about advancing data science, analytics, and technology.
✓ Exclusive learning and networking events
✓ Save on annual Capital Data and AI Summit
✓ Access to presentation and resource vault
✓ Volunteer and leadership opportunities
✓ 20% discounts on VDS swag
Student Membership
One time
Get the benefits of a regular membership for a discounted student price. Take the opportunity to network and learn with seasoned professionals for future career prospects.
✓ Exclusive learning and networking events
✓ Save on annual Capital Data and AI Summit
✓ Access to presentation and resource vault
✓ Volunteer and resume-building opportunities
✓ 20% discounts on VDS swag